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Building Blocks helps participating residents in Kalamazoo’s central city neighborhoods build community, to strengthen and revitalize their neighborhoods.

Block Action Groups (previously called the Sustained Program) began in 2012. Block Action Groups are established in our Catalyst (short-term) Program and continue developing the capacity of grassroots leadership to increase neighborhood resilience and accelerate community development with essential resident involvement. 

Block Action Groups initiate and nurture the development of resident-led block-action groups, groups of residents living on or around a block. Block Action Groups identify issues to address and projects to complete, plan for action, and act. Examples of issues addressed and projects completed include: a community vegetable garden with 16 raised-beds on a lot adopted from the Land Bank; the shut-down of a vacant house used for trafficking drugs and prostitution; a Wild Ones certified community garden acting as a butterfly way-station and educational opportunity for urban gardening; a lighting project that beautifies individual properties while significantly increasing safety on the street; a block-action group attending city commission meetings to voice support for park enhancements and those enhancements being approved by the commission; and more. 

Block Action Groups build the collective leadership capacity of block-action groups with the end goal that groups are capable of self-initiating work, recruiting new residents, and taking action. Building Blocks provides training through workshops, one-on-one meetings with residents, and block-action group meetings on the block. Training is catered to fit the needs of the specific block-action group in their unique stage of maturity. Building Blocks recognizes the transience of the areas in which we work, a lack of resources, and the unfamiliarity of collective action in the neighborhoods we serve, therefore Building Blocks has made an indefinite commitment of support to the Block Action Groups established through our programs. Not only does each Block Action Group receive on-going training, but each group also receives seed funding from Building Blocks to support the work prioritized by that group. Wherever possible, Building Blocks partners with other agencies to leverage additional resources.

program neighborhoods


map of Kalamazoo neighborhoods
North Side, East Side, Vine, and Edison neighborhoods
people spreading a gravel driveway


Building Blocks enjoys partnerships with several City of Kalamazoo neighborhoods


  • How are blocks chosen to participate in the program?
    Blocks are chosen each year by your neighborhood association. Please contact your neighborhood assication for more info.
  • Can I volunteer in a neighborhood that I don't live in?
    Yes! Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey at


Do you or an organization you know have interested in supporting a specific neighborhood?   Email to learn more about our Adopt-a-Block program!

  • Facebook - Black Circle
  • Instagram - Black Circle

phone: (269) 389-9928


address: 1009 E Stockbridge Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49001

@ by Building Blocks of Kalamazoo. All rights reserved. Designed by SMEADcreative.

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