Building Blocks helps participating residents in Kalamazoo’s central city neighborhoods build community, to strengthen and revitalize their neighborhoods.
This program provides a platform for residents to come together to establish relationships as they cooperate on home improvement projects. Encouraged by organizers, residents themselves help to mobilize their neighbors, decide on priorities, and make final funding decisions. They seek donations, contribute special expertise, and assume primary responsibility for completing their own work projects. Most residents report feeling empowered, energized and connected to their neighbors in new ways after completing this Building Blocks program.
weeks 1-4
resident meetings
weeks 5-8
work days
weeks 9-12
final celebration
week 12
program neighborhoods
How are blocks chosen to participate in the program?Blocks are chosen each year by your neighborhood association. Please contact your neighborhood assication for more info.
Can I volunteer in a neighborhood that I don't live in?Yes! Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey at www.bbkazoo.org/volunteer.